My Account

The My Account page allows you to control and edit your account information. A new account in is defined by one unique email address, username, and password. Within your single account, you may have multiple profiles.

A profile in corresponds to a single applicant organization the user represents (i.e., an applicant) or a single federal agency (i.e., for a grantors). If you work for or consult with multiple organizations, you may log in to one account to access your multiple profiles. Each profile may have different roles based on which roles have been assigned to you by the organization. Additionally, users can maintain an individual applicant profile. If you have both an applicant and grantor profile, a Switch Profile drop-down menu will appear in the top-right corner of the page in the global banner to allow you to switch profiles.

Click on the action you need to perform to find more detailed instructions:


Manage Your Subscriptions

Click the red Manage Subscriptions button on the top right corner of the My Account page to manage your subscriptions to emails (Alerts and News), New Opportunities, individual Opportunities, and Saved Searches.

On the next page, you will see the subscription management options (including Unsubscribe) in the left navigation menu.