
FY 2014 MCSAP High Priority Notice of Funding Availability
Department of Transportation
DOT-Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

General Information

Document Type:Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number:FM-MHP-14-001
Funding Opportunity Title:FY 2014 MCSAP High Priority Notice of Funding Availability
Opportunity Category:Discretionary
Opportunity Category Explanation:
Funding Instrument Type:Grant
Category of Funding Activity:Transportation
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards:60
Assistance Listings:20.218 -- National Motor Carrier Safety
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement:Yes
Version:Synopsis 7
Posted Date:Jun 25, 2013
Last Updated Date:Jul 19, 2013
Original Closing Date for Applications:Sep 09, 2013 No Explanation
Current Closing Date for Applications:Sep 09, 2013 No Explanation
Archive Date:
Estimated Total Program Funding:$ 15,000,000
Award Ceiling:$1,000,000
Award Floor:$20,000


Eligible Applicants:Special district governments
Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments)
Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
State governments
County governments
City or township governments
Additional Information on Eligibility:

Additional Information

Agency Name:DOT-Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Description:Before beginning the application, please read the entire Notice of Funding Availability located on the "Full Announcement" tab. The FMCSA announces the availability of High Priority grant funding. Eligible awardees for High Priority funding are State agencies, local governments, and organizations representing government agencies that use and train qualified officers and employees in coordination with State motor vehicle safety agencies. The FMCSA may award grants to support, enrich, or evaluate State commercial motor vehicle (CMV) safety programs that: 1) Implement, promote, and maintain national programs to improve CMV safety; 2) Increase compliance with CMV safety regulations; 3) Increase public awareness about CMV safety; 4) Provide education on CMV safety and related issues; and 5) Demonstrate new safety related technologies. Before beginning the application, please read the entire Notice of Funding Availability located on the ?Full Announcement? tab.
Link to Additional Information:FY 2014 MCSAP High Priority Notice of Funding Availability
Grantor Contact Information: If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:
Grants.gov Contact Center
Phone Number: 1-800-518-4726

Hours of operation are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The contact center is closed on federal holidays.