
Transmission System Interconnection Roadmap Draft
Department of Energy
Golden Field Office

General Information

Document Type:Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number:DE-FOA-0003220
Funding Opportunity Title:Transmission System Interconnection Roadmap Draft
Opportunity Category:Discretionary
Opportunity Category Explanation:
Funding Instrument Type:Other
Category of Funding Activity:Energy
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards:0
Assistance Listings:81.087 -- Renewable Energy Research and Development
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement:No
Version:Synopsis 2
Posted Date:Oct 25, 2023
Last Updated Date:Nov 21, 2023
Original Closing Date for Applications:Nov 22, 2023
Current Closing Date for Applications:Dec 01, 2023
Archive Date:Dec 31, 2023
Estimated Total Program Funding:$ 0
Award Ceiling:$2
Award Floor:$1


Eligible Applicants:Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type of entity above), subject to any clarification in text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility"
Additional Information on Eligibility:

Additional Information

Agency Name:Golden Field Office
Description:This request for information (RFI) solicits feedback on a draft Transmission System Interconnection Roadmap prepared by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Interconnection Innovation e-Xchange (i2X) program. This roadmap covers interconnection solutions for the transmission system/bulk power system only. Feedback from interconnection stakeholders regarding the Roadmap’s content (e.g., challenges, solution sets and key actions) will ensure the final version provides a comprehensive set of strategies to improve the interconnection process. Interconnection stakeholders include, but are not limited to, utilities, grid operators, grid reliability organizations, Tribal governments and utilities, Federal and state regulators, state and local governments, clean energy developers, energy justice groups, nonprofits, and trade associations. Read the draft i2X Transmission System Interconnection Roadmap: https://www.energy.gov/sites/default/files/2023-10/Draft i2X Transmission Roadmap.pdf
Link to Additional Information:EERE Funding Opportunity Exchange
Grantor Contact Information: If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:
To respond to this RFI:
For EERE-Exchange Support: