
Land and Water Conservation Fund State Assistance + Readiness and Recreation Initiative- FY24
Department of the Interior
National Park Service

General Information

Document Type:Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number:P24AS00526
Funding Opportunity Title:Land and Water Conservation Fund State Assistance + Readiness and Recreation Initiative- FY24
Opportunity Category:Discretionary
Opportunity Category Explanation:
Funding Instrument Type:Grant
Category of Funding Activity:Other (see text field entitled "Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity" for clarification)
Category Explanation:Outdoor Recreation
Expected Number of Awards:
Assistance Listings:15.916 -- Outdoor Recreation Acquisition, Development and Planning
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement:Yes
Version:Synopsis 2
Posted Date:Feb 01, 2024
Last Updated Date:Feb 06, 2024
Original Closing Date for Applications:Jul 12, 2024 Electronically submitted applications must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM, ET, on the listed application due date and must be submitted by the State Lead Agency via Grants.gov.  The State Lead Agencies may establish earlier deadlines for project sponsors to submit their proposals for their review for nomination to the national competition. Applications sent by facsimile, email, or mail delivery will not be accepted. Applications that are not received by the deadline will not be considered. The NPS will accept applications that: 1) were accepted in Grants.gov by the stipulated time, based on the time/date stamp in Grants.gov and 2) have been validated in Grants.gov, even if they are not forwarded to the DOI’s grant management system before the deadline.You are encouraged to submit your application well before the deadline and not wait until the last minute. The uploading and transfer process can take a while, especially when Grants.gov is getting heavy use. In addition, after the application is submitted, it is validated before it is forwarded to the NPS. Normally this happens within a few minutes to a couple of hours, but it can take Grants.gov up to a day or two to validate or reject an application. You can monitor your application’s status by using “Track My Application” on Grants.gov.  Be sure to record the Grants.gov tracking number which will displayed on the confirmation page in Grants.gov immediately after you successfully submit to Grants.gov as you will need it for tracking. Sometimes there are glitches that prevent actual transmission, for example, applications that exceed 200MB in size do not get forwarded to the DOI system. Technical difficulties with application submittal should be directed to the Grants.gov help desk. NPS staff can confirm receipt of submission but cannot resolve issues with Grants.gov or extend the application deadline due to difficulties with submission via Grants.gov.
Current Closing Date for Applications:Jul 12, 2024 Electronically submitted applications must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM, ET, on the listed application due date and must be submitted by the State Lead Agency via Grants.gov.  The State Lead Agencies may establish earlier deadlines for project sponsors to submit their proposals for their review for nomination to the national competition. Applications sent by facsimile, email, or mail delivery will not be accepted. Applications that are not received by the deadline will not be considered. The NPS will accept applications that: 1) were accepted in Grants.gov by the stipulated time, based on the time/date stamp in Grants.gov and 2) have been validated in Grants.gov, even if they are not forwarded to the DOI’s grant management system before the deadline.You are encouraged to submit your application well before the deadline and not wait until the last minute. The uploading and transfer process can take a while, especially when Grants.gov is getting heavy use. In addition, after the application is submitted, it is validated before it is forwarded to the NPS. Normally this happens within a few minutes to a couple of hours, but it can take Grants.gov up to a day or two to validate or reject an application. You can monitor your application’s status by using “Track My Application” on Grants.gov.  Be sure to record the Grants.gov tracking number which will displayed on the confirmation page in Grants.gov immediately after you successfully submit to Grants.gov as you will need it for tracking. Sometimes there are glitches that prevent actual transmission, for example, applications that exceed 200MB in size do not get forwarded to the DOI system. Technical difficulties with application submittal should be directed to the Grants.gov help desk. NPS staff can confirm receipt of submission but cannot resolve issues with Grants.gov or extend the application deadline due to difficulties with submission via Grants.gov.
Archive Date:Jan 01, 2025
Estimated Total Program Funding:$ 40,000,000
Award Ceiling:$5,000,000
Award Floor:$250,000


Eligible Applicants:State governments
Additional Information on Eligibility:In accordance with 54 U.S.C. 200305(a), each state and territory has a lead agency designated by the Governor or by state legislation for the purposes of implementing LWCF in that state, and only the lead agency can be the applicant for an LWCF grant. The lead agency may submit on behalf of themselves or another eligible subrecipient.Applications submitted directly by entities other than the State Lead Agency will be eliminated without consideration. Individuals, nonprofit organizations, and other private entities are not eligible as applicants or subrecipients.Eligible subrecipients (aka project sponsors) include state agencies and local units of government (e.g., state political subdivisions such as cities, counties, and special purpose districts such as park districts). Although Federally-recognized Indian Tribes are eligible for LWCF grants, they are not eligible to receive funds under 10 U.S.C 2684a, therefore REPI program funds could not be used to satisfy the non-federal cost share requirements for projects proposed to occur on tribal land.

Additional Information

Agency Name:National Park Service
Link to Additional Information:https://www.nps.gov/lwcf
Grantor Contact Information: If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:
John (Jacob) Gauthier